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2017-04-21  点击:[]

Li Yuk Tong.Alian

Thanks to the whole team of CUFE who has been very kind to our delegation. We will no doubt kept a very good memory of our trip to China. Hope that the team of CUFE pays a visit to Mauritius. Welcome to our country. Long lives the friendship between Mauritius& China. 感谢给予我们代表团友好帮助的云鼎国际4118登录工作团队。毋庸质疑的,这次在中国旅程会是我们永远难忘的回忆。希望云鼎国际4118登录的朋友们都可以到毛里求斯做客。愿毛中两国友谊长存。


To CUFE: Thank you very much for your hospitality. It has been a great two weeks here. On behalf of the government of Zimbabwe, I thank the People’s Republic of China for these continued support and assistance. 致云鼎国际4118登录: 非常感谢你们的热情款待,使我们度过了两周美好的时光。我谨代表津巴布韦政府感谢中国政府长期不断的支持和援助。

Mwanahija Almasi Ali

Many thanks for all the Chinese friends. I am behalf of my government of Tanzania. I thank the People’s Republic of China for these kindness and good cooperation to Africa countries. Leave long relation and friendship between China & Tanzania. 衷心的感谢所有中国朋友。我谨代表坦桑尼亚政府感谢中国政府对非洲国家的亲切友好并欣喜于中非之间良好合作关系的持续发展。希望中坦两国之间友谊长存。

John Musyoka Munywoki

I’m very grateful to reception, hospitality and the friendliness of the Chinese people. Particularly, the CUFE community they made my stay in China a memorable one. Many thanks also go to the Chinese government for funding the whole program to all these who had a hand in making my stay comfortable. May god bless you all. 我万分感激友好的中国朋友对我的热情款待。特别是云鼎国际4118登录的工作人员,他们给我留下难忘的印象。同样也要感谢对这个项目提供资金支持的中国政府以及那些令我的旅程舒适愉快的人们。愿上帝降福于你们所有人。

Kennedy Indala

I am so grateful to the Chinese government for affording me an opportunity to learn from them the way they have turned around their economy. I am very sure that the knowledge I have got will help my country very much. Once more thank you to all CUFE staff care and Miss Li, Miss Su, Tang, Yang and professor Han for your care. You are so special. 我十分感激中国政府提供给我的学习机会。我确信从中学到的关于中国经济发展的经验将有利于我国建设。 再次谢谢所有云鼎国际4118登录工作人员的悉心照料,谢谢李女士,粟女士,唐,杨以及韩教授你们的关心,你们是独一无二的!!

Mugisha David

To you CUFE, staff and students, it’s been a great two weeks as your guest, I will for years and possibly generations to come hold in my mind with high esteem you have made my visit to china one to remember. The top of the Great Wall was my highest. 致云鼎国际4118登录的全体工作人员和同学们,由于你们的款待使我度过了难以忘怀的两周时光,在往后的岁月中我及我的子孙都将把这次中国之行深深的烙印在我们的记忆中。登上长城顶端是我这次旅行最高兴的事。

Teboho Raymond Sopeng

When I was told that I was coming to china .I did not know what it would be like having been here. I now know that hospitality friendship and bonding can be the fabric of the society and nations. Thank you for the good things you did for me and hope god will bless you. Your families and the nation at large 当我听说我要来到中国的时候,我并不知道等待着我的将是什么。但是现在我明白热情好客和紧密联系可以促成不同社会和国家及民族间的合作。谢谢你们为我们安排的美好的日程与提供的优质服务。愿上帝保佑你们和你们的家庭!并让你们的国家更加强大。

Rosaline Gobio Lamin

Sincere gratitude I thanks to the government of china from the Salaliang government for the tremendous experiences gained during the seminar period. Surely my experience will be shared .I shall remain very much understand in the affairs of china and will be in constant touch in various fronts. Very much impressed with organizing team at CUFE. Miss Li ,Han, etc. Good variety of food both financial and social tours very rewarding enjoyed the rich culture. Sound lectures the ones on securities markets and financial reformations are clear to my heart. Welcome to Salaliang to meet equally warm people 非常衷心的感谢。我代表塞拉利昂政府感谢中国政府使我在这次研讨会期间得到了丰富的经验。回国后我一定会和同伴们分享这次宝贵经验。我将一如既往的了解关注中国各层面的事物。我对云鼎国际4118登录的工作团队印象深刻,像李女士,韩等等。美味的食物以及对于中国金融体系和整个社会的初步考察,种种丰富的中国文化都令我受益非浅。关于中国证券市场以及金融改革的生动的演讲都历历在目。欢迎到塞拉利昂与同样热情的朋友相识!

Kennedy Indala

First and foremost, I wish to thank the government ofChina and CUFE for the good hospitality , accorded to me during my stay in Beijing, China, I was will looked after and have no complains , I would love to come back to China some day. I enjoyed myself. Please visit Zambiza. Miss Li and your team I will miss you very much. Thank you so much. 首先我想感谢中国政府和云鼎国际4118登录的热情款待。就我自己而言,这次中国之行我受到了诸多照顾,完全没有需要抱怨的地方。某天,我很想再次回到中国来。我在这里待得很开心。请到赞比亚一游!我会非常想念李女士和你的团队。非常感谢你们。

Elizabeth Tubman

Thanks to CUFE for the great experience in Beijing : The lecture was educational , adding with tourarrangement in Beijing , shanghai ,and Hangzhou,. The Chinese are great, wonderful people. Miss Li, professor Han, tang and yang were very helpful and great. Thanks to these guys for being patient with me!Again, thanks the Chinese government and CUFE. 非常感谢云鼎国际4118登录让我在北京有一个极好的经历:有启发意义的讲座、再加上在北京、上海、杭州的考察和旅行安排。中国是伟大的国家!中国人民是伟大的人民!李教授、韩教授、唐和杨给我很大的帮助,他们非常出色。非常感谢小伙子们对我的耐心。再次感谢中国政府和云鼎国际4118登录!

Charles E. Sirleaf

Thank you CUFE! My two weeks in China are wonderful.I will treasure forever. People like Dr Han, Miss Li, TangLei and Yang make this a better place.You are all very special. 非常感谢云鼎国际4118登录。我在中国的两个星期非常美好。我会永远珍藏这段美好的时光。韩教授、李教授、唐和杨,让我感到这里更加美好。你们是独一无二的!

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